PLT has “Members” who are best viewed as guardians of the constitution, changing the Articles if necessary and ensuring the charitable object is fulfilled. The Members appoint some of the Trustees and can exercise reserve powers to appoint and remove Trustees but it is anticipated that this power will be rarely exercised. The Academy Trust will ordinarily have at least five Members. (1 from each Trust and up to 3 other members in the first instance.) 4 of these members will be independent from the Trust Board.
The corporate management and Trust responsibility for the actions of the company is vested in the “Trustees” of the Academy Trust (together, referred to as "the Trust Board"), who are company directors registered with Companies House.
The Trustees are personally responsible for the actions of the Academy Trust and the Academies and are accountable to the Members, to the Secretary of State for Education and to the wider community for the quality of the education received by all pupils of the Academies and for the expenditure of public money. The Trustees are required, as trustees and pursuant to the Funding Agreements, to have systems in place through which they can assure themselves of the quality, safety and good practice of the affairs of the Academy Trust.
Executive Team
The PLT “Executive Team” is the executive management arm of the Academy Trust, focusing on operations and the educational performance of the Academies. They operate under the leadership and direction of the CEO, who is by virtue of the position a Trust of the Academy Trust. The Executive Team work directly with the staff in each Academy and both the Executive Cluster (EC) and the Local Governing Bodies to ensure that the required outcomes are achieved in accordance with the direction and vision of the Trust Board.