26 September 2023
Following the first Ofsted inspection at Prospect House Primary Specialist Support School in July 2023, the school has been graded as ‘outstanding’ in all areas.
A team of Inspectors visited Prospect House on Monday 3 and Tuesday 4 July 2023 and judged the Quality of Education, Behaviour and Attitudes, Personal Development, Leadership and Management and Early Years Provision as Outstanding. The full report can be accessed on the official Ofsted website.
In the report Inspectors comment that, “Prospect House provides an inspiring learning environment in which pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities flourish. Pupils are extremely happy and safe. Leaders and staff have created a respectful and nurturing school where everybody matters.”
They recognise that, “Adults are incredibly ambitious for every pupil. As a result of steely determination and a high-quality curriculum, every pupil excels.”
They go on to observe that, “Pupils have positive attitudes to learning. Lessons are rarely disrupted due to inappropriate behaviour. Pupils said that they feel safe in school. They told inspectors that there is always someone who they can talk to if they have a problem.”
They also acknowledge that, “The school environment is a sanctuary in which pupils get the best opportunities to learn, grow and develop. The expectations of leaders and staff for pupils behaviour are extraordinarily high. These expectations are pivotal in enabling pupils to learn. Pupils respond extremely positively and their conduct is exemplary.”
Other observations made in the report include:
- “Leaders approach to pupils wider personal development is excellent. Pupils have carefully organised opportunities to use the different therapeutic facilities in the school.”
- “Leaders’ curriculum thinking, including in the early years, is underpinned by a thorough understanding of pupils individual learning needs. Leaders use their insight into, and knowledge of, each pupils developmental needs to devise unique well-crafted personalised curriculums. These curriculums are ambitious. They enable pupils to achieve the very best outcomes.
- “A love of reading is highly visible throughout the school. The sharing of high-quality stories and books begins in the early years. Leaders ensure that pupils are exposed to a wide and varied range of vocabulary.”
- “Pupils and staff care for each other. Pupils are motivated to learn, displaying strong levels of engagement. They show determination to succeed, even when they find learning tricky. No learning is interrupted by other pupils because every staff member is skilled in supporting pupils’ behaviour.”
- “All pupils benefit from a vast range of wider learning experiences.”
- “The planned experiences to support pupils physical and mental health are exceptional.”
- “Pupils are able to make meaningful contributions to their local community. For example, pupils learn about sustainability. They grow their own produce and cook the food on site before serving it to members of their local community.”
- “Leaders support staff well. Adults work exceptionally well with leaders to form a united team. Leaders hold staff wellbeing in the highest esteem.”
Inspectors recognised that “Safeguarding is integral to all that the school does. Staff are well trained in protecting the welfare and safety of pupils. They continue to receive ongoing safeguarding training and updates, which keeps their knowledge sharp.”
“Adults know pupils and their families very well. They are alert to risks and raise any concerns efficiently. Leaders work with a range of partners when required. This helps pupils and families to receive the support they need.”
“Leaders prioritise pupils understanding of how to keep themselves safe, including online. Pupils have plenty of opportunities to demonstrate their feelings and concerns to adults which is central to keeping them safe.”
Headteacher, Tracy Gallier said,
”We are already so proud of our staff and students and how well the school has flourished during the first year on our new site, I am delighted to see that this is reflected in the comments and that the commitment and achievements of the team are recognised throughout the report. This is a wonderful achievement for our community.”