
16 January 2024

Image of Grange School Ofsted

Following Grange School’s Ofsted inspection in October 2023, the school has been graded as ‘outstanding’ in all areas.  
A team of 3 Inspectors visited Grange School on Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th October 2023 and judged the Quality of education, Behaviour and attitudes, Personal development, Leadership and management, Early years provision and Sixth form provision as outstanding.  The full report can be accessed on the official Ofsted website here.
In the report Inspectors comment that, “Grange School is an inspirational learning environment in which pupils thrive and prosper. The school has created a safe and nurturing atmosphere. It has high expectations and a steely determination to make sure that pupils enjoy a rich, broad curriculum. This ambition for pupils’ achievement becomes a reality. Pupils at all stages in their school life blossom, both socially and academically.”  
They also recognise that “Pupils are friendly, respectful and supportive of each other. Their behaviour is exemplary. Pupils learn to increasingly manage their own emotions which helps them to understand their own behaviour and feelings. Where needed, well-trained staff support pupils with their behaviour. This results in a school environment which is like a sanctuary for pupils.”
They go on to observe that, “The school ensures that pupils are well prepared for adult life. Pupils have extensive opportunities to practise different skills over their school career which support them to move very successfully into adulthood.” 
They also acknowledge that, “The curriculum on offer at Grange from early years to sixth form is extraordinary. It is broad, balanced and ambitious. The school considers and identifies the knowledge which pupils should learn at every stage in the finest detail. Consequently, the curriculum meets pupils’ needs precisely.” 
Other observations made in the report include: 

  • “The school builds children’s knowledge and skills based on a clear understanding of their education and care needs, their home life and previous experiences.”  
  • “Teachers show a remarkable understanding of their subjects. They use their expertise well to support pupils’ learning.” 
  • “A passion for literature and a culture of reading are apparent throughout the school. Reading is taught daily for all year groups and pupils take home books to share with their families.”
  • “The school develops pupils’ talents and interests through an extensive wider curriculum offer.”  
  • “Career provision is an exceptional strength of the school.”  
  • “The school provides opportunities for pupils to learn about specific industries so that students have the necessary knowledge, should they want to move into that industry.”
  • “The school’s leadership has been instrumental in the transformation of this school. The trust and local governing board are very knowledgeable about the school.“ 

Headteacher, Rachael Clifford said,

“I am so incredibly proud of every pupil, staff member, parent and governor at Grange school. It has been such a monumental effort over the last 5 years and I am delighted that it has been recognised that our wonderful pupils are getting the outstanding education they deserve. Thank you so much for all the incredible support from the Trust - this success would not have been possible without such a team effort.”

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